Funny How Friends Leave Your Side When They Dont Need Anything From You

15 Signs Your So Chosen "Friend" Was Never Really A Friend


i. The person'south text letters are superficial.

It is ane thing to say that a person will occasionally text a one liner or a brief response. If a person does that the majority of the time, that is just plain unacceptable. A friend deserves more than than ane-liners. If a person isn't interested in being a existent friend, then honesty is required. It would save a lot of fourth dimension.

two. The person never wants to hang.

It is understandable that people are busy. That'southward common cognition. Yet, if a person uses that as an excuse that is just bullshit. There is no other word for information technology. It is one thing if something comes upward. That happens occasionally. But if a person never wants to exist bothered, that's troubling. Friends brand time.

3. Your friend rarely wants to be bothered in person.

This betoken relates to the concern about hanging out in a general sense. When a person will only mainly communicate with you over Facebook messages or texts equally opposed in real person that is another red flag. A person should desire to be bothered with both online/via text and in person. Both engineering and real person provide a balance. Technology should non exist the master method of communication. Existent connections are of import in life.

4. The person tries to turn the tables on you lot.

People don't always realize manipulation does non even accept to be breathy. It tin happen on a smaller level too. It might exist fair to say that no one is perfect. Merely that does not mean that a person should make you the problem. That's disgusting since that reveals the person is a coward.

v. The person is a player.

The thought tin can use to both men and women (since they both sleep around). It isn't even about making a value judgment virtually sex. Sex reveals the fine art of manipulation. Some people will say anything to get a person into bed with them. And although the matter might seem unrelated to existence a bad friend, the two are very much connected. Knowing "exactly what to say" is another indicator that the person is manipulative. So while this point should not be the end all be all, it tin can still serves as a warning sign.

six. The person doesn't even care enough to come up with existent alibi.

There'southward only so many times that a person can say, "I'yard decorated". A existent friend would have a legitimate reason for not wanting to be bothered. At the very to the lowest degree "I'm busy" becomes deadening after awhile. And so if a person keeps saying, "I'm decorated" time afterwards time you should definitely not be impressed.

7. The person comes off as phony.

If somebody comes off as phony, nine times out of ten the person is probably phony. And no! It doesn't brand a person judgmental to recall that somebody is phony. In that location's a reason why a person comes off as a phony.

8. You lot can't read the person.

The idea might seem to be contradictory of thinking that the person is a phony. The idea of non being able to read a person is nevertheless logical. If you can't figure out the person that should exist a alert sign. People might be complicated. A person should notwithstanding have depth though. If a person doesn't have much depth, than at that place might be legitimate cause for business organisation.

9. The person is a "good friend" but when information technology is convenient.

Information technology might exist tempting to dismiss concerns about the person'south disingenuine intentions if the person seems to occasionally be a good friend. The primal to that scenario is "occasionally". A person shouldn't be a practiced friend only when information technology is user-friendly. A person should be a good friend all the time. In that location will be some times when a person comes upwardly curt. That's inevitable. Merely the thought of being a practiced friend should occur all the time. The thought of being a fair-weather friend is also troubling because it shows a person's calculating side (as a result of choosing when to be a adept friend).

x. The person tells you exactly what you want you to hear.

Existence polite is a good thing. Just buttering up a person is suspicious. Information technology is equally if a phony person does that so you will forget all almost that person's negative qualities and become "enchanted" with the person all again. Although the bright side might be that it shows that the person might make a skillful politician since politicians always tell a person what they want to hear.

xi. The person never really shares anything personal.

If you tin can't proper noun that many things about a supposed "friend" that should besides set off an alarm since real friends share things. It is fair to say that it would be naïve to expect complete disclosure. Simply that doesn't mean that a person still can't share some things. It is but off-white.

12. You lot feel like yous are the but one that cares about being friends.

Information technology doesn't even take to be about hanging out. The thought tin also apply to keeping in bear upon. It could exist troubling if you realize that you are the only 1 that makes the effort for the friendship.

13. The person pulls you back in when y'all start to pull abroad.

That is another classic sign that points to manipulative beliefs. A person shouldn't simply become interested when you pull abroad. That is rather childish. It also goes to the person being unreliable.

xiv. Your friends are unimpressed with the person.

Thinking that all of your friends will know each other would be unrealistic. But if the bulk of your friends tell you that this and so-called "friend" is bad news, and so the person probably is bad news.

xv. Yous keep getting intuitive feelings that something is off.

It does not make a person neurotic to believe in the power of intuition. Intuition exists for a reason. Information technology'southward in that location to guide people in the absence of logic. There's a reason why the mantra "become with your gut" is still around today. That doesn't hateful that realizing the truth will be easy. It won't. Merely that'southward okay. It is still better to know the truth. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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